International Performance Centre
In June, 2020, PES-Architects, working together with Hong Kong Huayi Design Consultants (S.Z) Ltd as the consortium, were invited to participate in the international competition for the architectural design of the "International Performance Center".
我们的设计以“建筑与景观相互包容”作为概念,通过借景与对景,和不同远近的景色建立视觉联系,包括中心礼仪广场、另两座的公共文化建筑、临近的高层塔楼、南侧公园以及北侧远处的湖光山色。建筑高度仅局部达到+36 m,且沿深南大道的面宽控制有度,将同其他两处公共文化建筑一起,成为深南大道天际线上崭新的焦点。
未来表演厅的使用将更加充分、多元、可持续。 因此,宏大的公共大厅区域将更多的面向公众开放。 同时,剧院和音乐厅还应遵循中国的文化需要和风俗习惯。 中国在数字经济领域的领先地位,这也将影响未来的剧院产品。
未来的梦剧场观演厅将以沉浸式的方式为观众提供比现在更加身临其境的观演体验。观众厅的内壁部分为巨大的LED屏幕,将观众厅塑造为沉浸式的剧院空间。整个观众厅的现实空间都将可以虚拟转换任何地方,任何场景。 观众仿佛处在一个巨型VR眼镜中,化作他人、置身别处、融入戏剧。
项目状态: 定向邀请的7家国际事务所之一
项目面积: 235,420平米 (含地下100,000平米)
项目类型: 剧院建筑
项目客户: 深圳市建筑工务署工程设计管理中心
合作伙伴: 香港华艺设计顾问(深圳)有限公司
项目地点: 深圳
设计团队: PES建筑设计事务所
BORN FROM GROUND, CROWN WITH LANDSCAPE, Growth as the main metaphor
The main metaphor in our concept for the SIPC is GROWTH. This unique metaphor reflects the phenomenal growth of Shenzhen from a rural village into an international metropolis with a population of 20 million in 40 years. In our competition concept, the Dream Theater and Star Concert Hall are symbolically growing from the ground as todays Shenzhen. The building mass is articulated with ascending ramps, leading to four terrace levels, providing a dynamic reminder of the four historical decades.
People traveling along the ramps to reach these elevated plazas will experience also the theater interiors, as the glass façade opens views not only into the public lobbies, but also into the rehearsal and other actor areas, creating a lively dialogue between the city and the arts.
STAGE OF URBAN LIFE, GARDEN OF PERFORMANCE,Integration of architecture, site and landscape
Our concept, “The building as part of the landscape, the landscape as part of the building”, as the idea of Chinese garden, offers excellent closer views and contact with the central water landscape and the two other buildings of the triad, closely connected to the adjacent high-rise buildings. The building with its roof terraces also communicates naturally with the central ceremonial plaza in the west and the future large park area in the south. We envision that the visual form of the SIPC will add an attractive new key element to the Shennan Boulevard skyline, together with the other two public cultural buildings.
MANGROVE FOREST OF PREFAB TIMBER,Renaissance of Chinese traditional architectural material
Our architectural concept wants to show the way to the future of prefab timber construction by introducing an integrated wood and glass curtain wall and using partly timber construction in the main lobby area and along the facades. Entering through the main lobby to this building, the visitor can feel like walking in magical Mangrove forest.
The curtain wall demonstrates the sustainable construction of the future with an intelligent glass facade. The façade glass is semi-transparent throughout, allowing the interior wood to be visible through the glass wall. The audience and artists moving on different levels of the building can also be seen through the fully glazed curtain wall. The printed LED on the glass allows the appearance of the façade to be altered. Modern printing and lamination technology makes the technical detailing completely invisible in the daytime, so that the LED screen only becomes visible at evening time, to transform the building skin into a versatile and lively communication device.
A DREAM OR A DRAMA,Future mode of performance halls
It is essential that performance halls be used far more actively than today in order to be sustainable. This means that large, impressive public lobby areas should be kept open for the general public also in daytime. In addition, theaters and concert halls should observe Chinese cultural needs and customs. Since China is one of the leading countries in the digital economy, this would influence future theater production.
The auditorium of the future Dream Theater should offer the audience a deeper experience than to-day, with an immersive approach. The immersive theater space starts in the auditorium. The walls of the auditorium are partly a giant LED screen. This means that the entire auditorium reality can be virtually transformed into any space at any time. Audience will be sitting as in a set of huge VR glasses, to be someone else in somewhere else deeply in a dramatic story.
Project Information:
Project Name: International Performance Centre
Project Time: June, 2020 – October, 2020
Project Status: Invited International Competition, one of the 7 agencies from the invited candidates to enter the 3rd stage-stage of schematic design;settled
Project Size: 235,420㎡ (including basement 100,000㎡)
Project Type: Theatre
Project Client: Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality
Project Partner: Hong Kong Huayi Design Consultants (S.Z) Ltd
Project Location: Shenzhen
Designer Team: PES-Architects
Nanchang Poly Grand Theatre
Fuzhou Strait Culture And Art Centre
Wuxi Grand Theatre
Head Office Project of Wumart South Technology
International Performance Centre
Shenzhen Reform and Opening-Up Exhibition Hall
Xingtai Grand Theatre
Yancheng Culture Clustre