the Port of Turku Ferry Terminal
People often go on a cruise to take a break from the daily grind, and the appearance of the terminal building sets the passengers in the right mood for a sea voyage. The proposal has flamboyance and movement. The architecture is based on oblique triangular surfaces; play with steel, glass and aluminium. With the design associating maritime symbolism with silvery salmon skin or steel ships, the name ORIGAMI, Japanese transcription of their paper-folding sculpture, as a metaphor makes even more imaginative appeal of the exotic than if directly pointing to the sea.
竞赛分为两轮,第一轮由竞赛委员会根据公司以往的业绩确定五家单位,在去年秋天进行第一轮角逐,经过评委匿名投票选择三家设计机构:Zaha Hadid Architects,JKMM,PES-Architects , 入围第二轮,而PES最终赢得竞赛。
图尔库港有限公司董事与总经理,同时也是本次竞赛的评委会主席Erik Söderholm认为,获奖方案为客运站的进一步发展提供了良好的基础。
本次竞赛的主建筑师,也是PES的合伙人,赫尔辛基西港2号码头主设计师 Tuomas Silvennoinen讲到:“被邀请参加这项重要竞赛对我们来说是一项巨大的荣誉,也是挑战。很高兴与图尔库港合作开始规划新的码头。码头建筑既服务于日常旅行,也适合在更特殊的场合使用,对我们来说是一个熟悉的设计领域。我们也认为在交通建筑方面付出的努力对城市具有大的价值。”
主建筑师: Tuomas Silvennoinen
项目建筑师: Pekka Mäkelä
设计团队: Eleanna Breza, Simon Richardus, Oskar Suomalainen, Martin Genet, Margarita Vodneva, Juho Jääskeläinen, Emanuel Lopes
交通咨询:Olli Haveri and Jouni Ikäheimo, WSP
结构咨询:Tomi Eloranta, Sweco
效果图: Hansinok
On May 24th,2022, the Port of Turku Architectural Competition for Ferry Terminal declared the final winner, PES-Architects with their ORIGAMI.
Five offices/teams were invited to participate in the first phase of the competition based on references, and three entries were selected anonymously for the second phase. In the finals, our Origami beat Zaha Hadid’s Aallonharja and JKMM’s FOKKA.
As the former capital of Finland and a port city with a long history, Turku has many historical relics in the city center, especially the Turku Castle adjacent to the site, whose construction dates back to the end of the 13th century, and scale ranks at the top and age among the top ones in whole Finnish territory.
The Ferry Terminal Turku Project hopes to upgrade the Turku passenger harbor into a maritime hub for modern, streamlined and safe vessel traffic. In addition to providing a smooth passenger experience for both of the ferry lines operating out of the port, the new terminal is also expected to meet the high architectural standards required in the sensitive urban context near the historic Turku Castle.
The jury considered ORIGAMI best matching the goals set for the terminal in terms of functionality and fitting in the surroundings with its exceptional and expressive architecture. People often go on a cruise to take a break from the daily grind, and the appearance of the terminal building sets the passengers in the right mood for a sea voyage. The proposal has flamboyance and movement. The architecture is based on oblique triangular surfaces; play with steel, glass and aluminium. With the design associating maritime symbolism with silvery salmon skin or steel ships, the name ORIGAMI, Japanese transcription of their paper-folding sculpture, as a metaphor makes even more imaginative appeal of the exotic than if directly pointing to the sea.
With its technical solution handled from the point of view of maintenance, the building has a “raincoat” made of long lifespan aluminum. The circulation is also successful in separating the short-term parking and drop-off traffic in the indoor parking lot to effective avoidance of mutual interference. The distribution plaza naturally fits the entrance of the building, providing excellent guidance and evacuation. Flexible and drafty, the building also has a warm feel with a wooden wall in the entrance lobby added to the facade of glass, steel and aluminum. Slowly ascending into the waiting ship hall, the passengers' mood becomes more tranquil along with the magnificent view of the sea they are about to set foot on. Next to the hall, there is a terrace with a view of the historic Turku Castle area.
It is believed that the winning proposal provides a sound foundation for the further development of the passenger station.
“All proposals in phase two of the competition were of high quality. Among them, the ORIGAMI the jury chose not only fitted the pier’s own functional goal, but also best fulfills the environment and landscape of the evolving Castle district. The winning proposal provides us with a good basis for further development of the passenger terminal. In the upcoming construction phase, the client’s project management will focus on cost-efficiency as well as improving the functionality and use of the premises in particular, in co-operation with the future users, designers and project management contractors”, says Erik Söderholm, Managing Director of Port of Turku Ltd who acted as the chairman of the jury.
Located between Asia and Europe, Finland is lauded as the "Nordic transit station", a threefold hub by sea, land and air. In terms of aviation, the capital Helsinki has the closest Asia-ward and busiest airport in the Nordic region; in terms of railways, the network is so well developed that not only domestically, but also the Trans-Siberian Railway heading for East Asia is connected; in terms of sea routes, Finland faces the Baltic Sea southwestward with many port cities such as Turku, Vaasa, Oulu and Helsinki. In the Finnish arena of transportation architecture, PES Architects is a leading team, from the Helsinki International Airport expanded to this day since 1987, the KEHÄRATA Ring Railway stations connecting the airport to the urban area since 2009, to the Helsinki Westport Pier 2 completed in 2018, all boutique projects in the Finnish transportation construction industry.
“To be invited to this prestigious competition was a big honor for us. Great pleasure to start planning the new terminal in collaboration with the Port of Turku. Terminal architecture serves its users both for everyday travel as well as on more special occasions and is a familiar design area for us. The will to put an effort in the planning of transport buildings is very valuable”, says the chief designer of the competition proposal, architect SAFA Tuomas Silvennoinen from PES-Architects Ltd.
An agreement on principal and architectural design will be made with the winning architecture agency to continue detailing in co-operation with the other parties since late summer 2022 and begin construction in spring 2023 to put the new passenger terminal in use by early 2026.
Project Information:
Project Name: Turku Ferry Terminal
Project Location: Finland, Turku
Project area: 13625m2
Project client: Turku Port Co., Ltd.
Design team: Finland PES Architects
Chief Architect: Tuomas Silvennoinen
Project Architect: Pekka Mäkelä
Design Team: Eleanna Breza, Simon Richardus, Oskar Suomalainen, Martin Genet, Margarita Vodneva, Juho Jääskeläinen, Emanuel Lopes
Transportation advice: Olli Haveri and Jouni Ikäheimo, WSP
Structural Consulting: Tomi Eloranta, Sweco
Rendering: Hansinok