Oulu Courthouse
新奥卢法院由 PES-Architects 和 Komulainen Arkkitehdit 合作设计,包括位于托里卡图(Torikatu)大街的新建部分以及Sepänkatu大街现有建筑的大规模翻新。新的法院综合体将大部分地方和地区法庭以及司法行政机构集中在一起,设有法庭、客户服务设施和可容纳约400名员工的办公场所。
该项目是与 Senate Properties 和 Hartela Pohjois-Suomi公司共同实施的先锋联盟项目,实现了雄心勃勃的环保和生命周期目标,包括能源回收利用和屋顶太阳能发电站。是Senate Properties公司的碳足迹计算试点项目。
通过芬兰国家艺术委员会和Senate Properties安排的公开艺术竞赛,法庭和大厅的艺术品委托芬兰艺术家奥托-卡尔沃宁(Otto Karvonen)和凯-伦托拉(Kai Rentola)创作。
项目面积:18,800平米,约 10718 平方米(新建)+ 8082 平方米(翻新)
项目业主:Senate Properties 参议院地产公司
设计团队:Pekka Komulainen (总建筑师), Tuomas Silvennoinen (总建筑师), Leena Silvennoinen (项目建筑师), Maria Holthoer (项目建筑师), 等。
Oulu Courthouse
The new Oulu Courthouse, a collaboration between PES-Architects and Komulainen Arkkitehdit, involves a new building on Torikatu and an extensive renovation of the existing building towards Sepänkatu. The courthouse complex unites most of the local and regional courts and judicial administration under one roof, with courtrooms, customer service facilities and offices for around 400 staff.
The building provides a safe, healthy and secure environment for its users, with a special focus on the quality of indoor conditions and acoustics. The flexible premises comply with the administration’s workplace and premises concept, designed to support new ways of working and digitalisation, including electronic court proceedings.
The architecture combines high-quality and durable natural materials with a timeless design.
The ground level of the concrete-frame building is clad in Kuru Grey Granite and upper floors with pale-grey plastered brick. Windows are detailed with copper and brass-coloured copper plate. The entrance framed with brick-red terracotta rods.
Interior walls are finished in natural-coloured wood veneer or slats, which are also used to clad the ceilings in the public spaces. The warm, white lime plaster walls in the public lobbies are dotted with bronze mineral particles. Roof lanterns introduce abundant natural light.
The project was implemented as a spearhead alliance project with Senate Properties and Hartela Pohjois-Suomi Oy. The project fulfills ambitious environmental and lifecycle goals, including energy recycling and a solar power station on the roof. It also served as Senate Properties' pilot project for carbon footprint calculation.
Artwork was commissioned for the courtrooms and lobbies from Finnish artists Otto Karvonen and Kai Rentola through an open art competition arranged by the Finnish State Art Commission and Senate Properties.
Project Information:
Project Name: Oulu Courthouse
Project Time: 2019-2023
Project Status: Completion
Project Size: 18,800㎡, including 10718 m2 (new build) + 8082 m2 (renovation)
Project Function: Courthouse, administrative offices
Design Scope: Architecture, Interior design
Project Client: Senate Properties
Project Location: Oulu, Finland
Designer Team: Pekka Komulainen (Chief Architect), Tuomas Silvennoinen (Chief Architect), Leena Silvennoinen (Project Architect), Maria Holthoer (Project Architect), etc.